Centennial Land Run Monument
The Centennial Land Run Monument, located in downtown Oklahoma City’s Bricktown District, commemorates the opening of Indian land in Oklahoma Territory.
When complete in 2015, the sculpture-in-progress View Monument Site (PDF) will feature 45 heroic (life and one-half size) figures of land run participants, frozen in motion as they race to claim new homesteads.
The first major pieces, a buckboard and two draft horses, were placed in April 2003. When completed, this piece of art will be one of the largest freestanding bronze sculptures in the world. It will span a distance of 365 feet in length by 36 feet in width and over 16 feet in height.
The Land Run Monument begins with a soldier and a cannon, firing the shot to start the run. Twenty-four horses and riders, including a sun-bonneted woman riding sidesaddle, strain for position. A buckboard, two covered wagons, a buggy and a sulky represent some of the many vehicles used in the race. A dog races after a wagon, and a surprised rabbit watches from one side.
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Historial, Land Run, Monument, Oklahoma City, Points of Interest, Sculptures